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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hell. Fire. Classrooms.

Mr. M.G. "Pat" Robertson has an extensive resumé. Christian Conservative Televangelist, 1988 G.O.P Presidential Candidate -- running against H.W. Bush, he was forced the cede the nomination with 48% of the G.O.P. votes -- Age-Defying Vitamin Guru, Lobbyist, Activist, Supreme Court Justice "Expert" and now, clairvoyant!

Yesterday, Mr. Robertson, the psychic conjured up a chilling prediction: The residents of Dover, Pennsylvania will be destroyed by the almighty in one of a variety of natural disasters. To which the almighty will turn the other cheek, a blind eye and let His good people perish in flames, earthquakes, sea-monster attacks or what have you.

"Err... but hey! Why?!" you might ask. Simple. The voting population of this 1815 person Pennsylvania hamlet unanimously agreed to remove the eight existing ultra-conservative members of the public school board and replace them with eight new regular school board members. This was entirely due to the fact that the previous school board had re-written the school biology curriculum to include lessons on Intelligent Design. (Intelligent Design was only instated after the school board director was sued by the city for including lessons on Creationism in biology classes... they then settled for ID!!) After the new board took over, they IMMEDIATELY removed all references to Intelligent Design (aka Creationism) from the science class repertoire.

This REALLY got the goat of Mr. M.G. "Pat" Robertson. Who also said that Orlando, Florida would get destroyed by a meteor impact after they allowed gay-pride flags to fly on a street in their city. If you remember, he was also the one who recommended that the United States government assassinate DEMOCRATICALLY elected Venezuelan President Chavez. The next target on God's hit list, according to Pat Robertson, is Dover. For what he said was the crime of "VOTING God out of your town..." Curious.

Recently, this blogger wrote Mr. Robertson about his faith in God. I was indeed confused about the limit of the Almighty's power and that of the power of mere mortals. I mean, if we can send God running for the hills with the stroke of a punch card ballot, or the blare of a campaign megaphone, well, who the F is this "god" p*ssy anyway? I mean, the almighty, omnipotent master-of-the-universe God probably couldn't give a sh*t about what the petty, meandering mere mortals run around and "vote" for and b*tch about...right?

The truth is, God has more important things to do. Like maybe inflict upon that money-hungry, headline whore Robertson a divine case of the clap. Comments?


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