"Hollywood: The real voice of the people?"
Since when have actors become the de-facto political leaders of California? Arnie telling us his "special election" is the ONLY way to fix the problem. And the leader of the opposition position, Warren Beatty?
It's not that I don't like thespians. Or movies. I love movies. But thespians play characters. Not real people. Characters. Actors have never been known for being the most intellectual, legally-balanced or civic-minded types, either. They wear costumes to work. Not neck ties. They studied Shakespeare and spontaneous crying. Not finance or law. They buy $50 million dollar houses and worship L. Ron Hubbard's acid hallucinations -- they're hardly god-fearing blue (or even white) collars, working two jobs to pay the rent every month. They're the most UN-real people I can think of.
So since when was SAG the voice of the public? Since when were these guys interested in anything besides summer ticket-sales? And since when did we think they were qualified for anything else?
It really irks ordinary people when these actors ACT like leaders. I think it's a little screwy personally. On the left, you have outspoken drum-beaters like Warren and Annette (who I love in MOVIES) running around the state crashing galas and fundraisers -- with full media coverage -- like so many immature high schoolers TP-ing the house of a rival clique.
Then you've got the folks on the right who think, well, "why not use an actor?" It worked with Reagan. And besides, what better candidate to ACT like they are leader-like, intelligent and compassionate than a real life, honest-to-goodness blockbuster, house-hold name ACTOR?
It seems like one side has a more effective approach. But I really wish our respective political parties would get their @#$@# together, stop exploiting the celebrities' name recognition--which, by the way, these people garnered by acting UN-like their real selves -- and invest some time finding a better vehicle to get their message out -- other than Hollywood actors.
Because real people hate fake people. Bottom line.
Since when have actors become the de-facto political leaders of California? Arnie telling us his "special election" is the ONLY way to fix the problem. And the leader of the opposition position, Warren Beatty?
It's not that I don't like thespians. Or movies. I love movies. But thespians play characters. Not real people. Characters. Actors have never been known for being the most intellectual, legally-balanced or civic-minded types, either. They wear costumes to work. Not neck ties. They studied Shakespeare and spontaneous crying. Not finance or law. They buy $50 million dollar houses and worship L. Ron Hubbard's acid hallucinations -- they're hardly god-fearing blue (or even white) collars, working two jobs to pay the rent every month. They're the most UN-real people I can think of.
So since when was SAG the voice of the public? Since when were these guys interested in anything besides summer ticket-sales? And since when did we think they were qualified for anything else?
It really irks ordinary people when these actors ACT like leaders. I think it's a little screwy personally. On the left, you have outspoken drum-beaters like Warren and Annette (who I love in MOVIES) running around the state crashing galas and fundraisers -- with full media coverage -- like so many immature high schoolers TP-ing the house of a rival clique.
Then you've got the folks on the right who think, well, "why not use an actor?" It worked with Reagan. And besides, what better candidate to ACT like they are leader-like, intelligent and compassionate than a real life, honest-to-goodness blockbuster, house-hold name ACTOR?
It seems like one side has a more effective approach. But I really wish our respective political parties would get their @#$@# together, stop exploiting the celebrities' name recognition--which, by the way, these people garnered by acting UN-like their real selves -- and invest some time finding a better vehicle to get their message out -- other than Hollywood actors.
Because real people hate fake people. Bottom line.
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know, I couldn't agree with you more. We sometimes may not like politicians but at least they are usually practiced at dealing with political issues and government machinery. And, dare I say, they are usually professionals at what they do. Give me real experience over acting experienced, anytime.
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