
Where the nation gets... well... real. Political truth, unfiltered and thick, without a partisan skew.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"Turn to the shredder."

Today, George Bush is facing SERIOUS credibility problems. In a recent Gallop poll, 67% of responders referred to the President as "Not Honest." So now he's saying the accusations of his "opponents" (aka- you and me!) are partisan lies. And all his inner-circle cronies are on TV echoing his statements about their OWN involvement in the Iraq war. My question is: If we all think they're such liars, why do they think we'd suddenly start believing them?

When Bill Clinton was President, we had a lot of intelligence on Iraq and WMDs. The bottom line was, we just didn't know for sure. We thought they did. And we thought they didn't. But we mostly thought they didn't. For eight whole years, conflicting reports were coming into the Oval Office. YES! he's got nukes. NO! he absolutely doesn't. While a few in the defense apparatus thought Saddam was a brilliant military and terrorist leader, others thought that was complete crap. So Bubba stayed put and wouldn't risk war for "theories."

And so it seemed, that president H.W. Bush and his war-czar, then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney had SUCCEEDED with the help of their allies and the U.N. in accomplishing their mission. "Stop Saddam Hussein and destroy his WMDs." So while there were still a few beating the war drum (aka- the "neocons"), their cries were all but silenced by the end of the conflict.

Then came Bush 2. (Also worth noting: the new Vice President accompanying the new 'Commander in Chief' was none other than the oil-loving, war architect Dick Cheney.) And almost immediately, the upper management, the voices of calm and reason in the CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA and others all found themselves FIRED and replaced with administration loyalists. People who didn't have opinions or facts. They had loyalty. And most of them hadn't even had one day of real experience in their new fields. But it didn't matter. They didn't need experience. They just had to go on TV on behalf of their respective agencies and agree with whatever the Administration mouthed for them. Good boys. Now sit. Roll over. Play dead. Good.

Then came a day of reckoning. Sept 11, 2001. Never mind that it was the darkest day in our nation's history. It was the best day, the brightest day in the BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S history. It was the excuse they had been so desperately seeking.

"Good. Cheney has his people in the CIA and the Defense Dpt. They bury any data we don't want... Now all we need to do is remove any dissenters -- then go to town with our new intelligence team and our hand-picked data! FINALLY. We can go back to Iraq and finish what Cheney started."

(Why go back to Iraq? See my next blog on the Neocon agenda.)

And with that, they went to the House, Senate and the entire world with a tiny bit of now wildly discredited intelligence...and it was ok, because they just silenced the data and the people that thought differently.

And the fact that Bush forced the issue RIGHT in the frenzy of the 2002 mid-term elections, he was able to turn this into a POWERFUL political weapon. If a congressman didn't support removing an "obvious threat to our national security" he/she was inviting a "mushroom cloud over an American city." Well, he got his votes to go to war, even though he only gave the Senate and the House LESS THAN A WEEK to mull it over. "More intelligence? Sleep on it?" Come on boys! It's just WAR!

Unfortunately, contained in the data the administration neglected to show us (which is only now surfacing) was information about the realities of invading Iraq. How it wasn't worth it. How it would go horribly wrong and cost the nation countless American lives. And about the damage it would do to our fragile economy and our standing as a citizen of the civilized world. But the Administration wouldn't know. They shredded the sh*t.

And now, they come out and say that they showed everyone the same intelligence, that it wasn't fabricated. They just fail to mention that when they say "all the intelligence" they mean the few scraps that were left of it.

So, if like me and so many of my fellow Americans, you're desperately seeking the truth, look no further than the shredder bins at the CIA.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hell. Fire. Classrooms.

Mr. M.G. "Pat" Robertson has an extensive resumé. Christian Conservative Televangelist, 1988 G.O.P Presidential Candidate -- running against H.W. Bush, he was forced the cede the nomination with 48% of the G.O.P. votes -- Age-Defying Vitamin Guru, Lobbyist, Activist, Supreme Court Justice "Expert" and now, clairvoyant!

Yesterday, Mr. Robertson, the psychic conjured up a chilling prediction: The residents of Dover, Pennsylvania will be destroyed by the almighty in one of a variety of natural disasters. To which the almighty will turn the other cheek, a blind eye and let His good people perish in flames, earthquakes, sea-monster attacks or what have you.

"Err... but hey! Why?!" you might ask. Simple. The voting population of this 1815 person Pennsylvania hamlet unanimously agreed to remove the eight existing ultra-conservative members of the public school board and replace them with eight new regular school board members. This was entirely due to the fact that the previous school board had re-written the school biology curriculum to include lessons on Intelligent Design. (Intelligent Design was only instated after the school board director was sued by the city for including lessons on Creationism in biology classes... they then settled for ID!!) After the new board took over, they IMMEDIATELY removed all references to Intelligent Design (aka Creationism) from the science class repertoire.

This REALLY got the goat of Mr. M.G. "Pat" Robertson. Who also said that Orlando, Florida would get destroyed by a meteor impact after they allowed gay-pride flags to fly on a street in their city. If you remember, he was also the one who recommended that the United States government assassinate DEMOCRATICALLY elected Venezuelan President Chavez. The next target on God's hit list, according to Pat Robertson, is Dover. For what he said was the crime of "VOTING God out of your town..." Curious.

Recently, this blogger wrote Mr. Robertson about his faith in God. I was indeed confused about the limit of the Almighty's power and that of the power of mere mortals. I mean, if we can send God running for the hills with the stroke of a punch card ballot, or the blare of a campaign megaphone, well, who the F is this "god" p*ssy anyway? I mean, the almighty, omnipotent master-of-the-universe God probably couldn't give a sh*t about what the petty, meandering mere mortals run around and "vote" for and b*tch about...right?

The truth is, God has more important things to do. Like maybe inflict upon that money-hungry, headline whore Robertson a divine case of the clap. Comments?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Bird flu. Bird flu. Bird flu.

Remember last week? When every single eye-popping, 40 pt. BOLD Helvetica headline in the country said BIRD FLU IS COMING and we're all gonna DIE!!!!!!!!

We're all gonna die? No.

Listen. According to the World Health Organization, Avian Flu has claimed the lives of a staggering 75 people world wide in the past five years. And of those 75, 53 fell ill in the squalid tribal villages of Indonesia. The others were in Vietnam & Cambodia. Not exactly shining stars in the global medical care community. Imagine if they had even remotely better medical capablitlies...Maybe bird flu wouldn't be a problem at all....

(NOTE: according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control report, about 36,000 people die every year from REGULAR flu problems in the US. Regular flu.)

So WHY all the hubbub about "Bird" Flu? I have a hunch:

Last week, every newspaper at the local newsstand told of our federal government's doomsday bird flu preparedness plan: throw $7.1 BILLION f-ing dollars at the problem.

$7.1 billion f-ing dollars!?!?! For 75 dead people in South East Asia? Huh. That doesn't add up. Especially after our current government recently ceded an entire American metropolis to flood waters and starvation, leaving THOUSANDS dead. Since when are they in the giving-a-sh@t business?-- Obviously this is a ploy to save a little face. But they're doing it with OUR $7.1 billion. (by the way, their plan won't even be ready until 2009). Man, I hate that.

And what about this indictment of the Vice President's chief policy advisor Scooter Libby? An indictment that sheds light on a VAST discrepancy between what we were told about Iraq and what was actually the case. You know, the thing that SHOULD have been on the front page but got buried on page 4 because of the impending "pandemic...." ???

Bird flu. Riiiiiiight.
"Islam declares JIHAD on Australia?!"

Recently, I read that the number one, trendy hot spot topping this holiday's terrorist hit list is not LA, not London, not Madrid, not Baghdad. No, it's actually Brisbane, Australia.

?!?!? WTF? Talk about reaching.

Who's writing these fatwas anyway...? Maybe they should start reading the news. Terrorists take note: everybody knows that terrorists hate Yankees. Not Aussies. Nobody hates Aussies. Not even the French. In fact, the Aussies don't particularly like the Yankees all that much. They're not helping us "fight" our "war" or anything anymore. And they're definitely not involved in formulating any of our own, white-bread, ultra-conservative, ideologically driven Islam bashing foreign policies either. So why the hate guys?

Even mutha-f-ing OSAMA thinks this is so pointless, he wouldn't have anything to do with it:

Look, just because there are 4,000,000 McDonald's in Australia, doesn't mean it's part of the U.S. Nope, it's an entirely different country. Totally separate. In fact, they are so far away, you have to get on an airplane and travel for a flippin entire day just to get there. Granted, when you get off the plane, they're speaking the same language (which may explain the confusion... silly terrorists), but never-the-less... it's not the U.S.

If the terrorists were REALLY smart, they'd bomb the smack out of someplace that REALLY has it coming. Suggestions?

Monday, November 07, 2005

"Hollywood: The real voice of the people?"

Since when have actors become the de-facto political leaders of California? Arnie telling us his "special election" is the ONLY way to fix the problem. And the leader of the opposition position, Warren Beatty?

It's not that I don't like thespians. Or movies. I love movies. But thespians play characters. Not real people. Characters. Actors have never been known for being the most intellectual, legally-balanced or civic-minded types, either. They wear costumes to work. Not neck ties. They studied Shakespeare and spontaneous crying. Not finance or law. They buy $50 million dollar houses and worship L. Ron Hubbard's acid hallucinations -- they're hardly god-fearing blue (or even white) collars, working two jobs to pay the rent every month. They're the most UN-real people I can think of.

So since when was SAG the voice of the public? Since when were these guys interested in anything besides summer ticket-sales? And since when did we think they were qualified for anything else?

It really irks ordinary people when these actors ACT like leaders. I think it's a little screwy personally. On the left, you have outspoken drum-beaters like Warren and Annette (who I love in MOVIES) running around the state crashing galas and fundraisers -- with full media coverage -- like so many immature high schoolers TP-ing the house of a rival clique.,8599,1126781,00.html

Then you've got the folks on the right who think, well, "why not use an actor?" It worked with Reagan. And besides, what better candidate to ACT like they are leader-like, intelligent and compassionate than a real life, honest-to-goodness blockbuster, house-hold name ACTOR?

It seems like one side has a more effective approach. But I really wish our respective political parties would get their @#$@# together, stop exploiting the celebrities' name recognition--which, by the way, these people garnered by acting UN-like their real selves -- and invest some time finding a better vehicle to get their message out -- other than Hollywood actors.

Because real people hate fake people. Bottom line.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

First posting.

Hello there. And welcome to the first ever posting of Real-Nation.

For those who prefer their politics unfiltered and thick. Please stop by whenever you like.

Hang tight.......