
Where the nation gets... well... real. Political truth, unfiltered and thick, without a partisan skew.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A '9' with 12 zeros after it.

That's our new national debt. That's how much we OWE to other countries. Our illustrious and "fiscally responsible" GOP masters in Washington claim that, "that's just how much we can borrow." What nobody is saying is that they have already borrow $8,900,000,000.00 and they had to raise the limit the laws allow them to borrow. In other words, like so many rich kids that are used to daddy paying the bills, they've maxxed out our card.

Who's card? Well, every man, woman and child's born and unborn for about the next three or four generations. That's if we stop spending now. Think about this: President Bush and his GOP cronies are desperate to pass a tax break law for THE RICHEST 1% of Americans, robbing the treasury of about $6 Trillion dollars over the next few years... Uhm, wtf? And it doesn't help that the extra money we're being forced to borrow is going to pay for the MOST BLOATED military budget in history. The MOST BLOATED and unforgivable pork-barrel, special-interest pay-offs and OIL INDUSTRY TAX BREAKS EVER! Not being invested into education, health-care or infrastructure... these are all being CUT! How the heck are we supposed to make money or produce things if we have stupid, sickly children that can't use tools?

It's simple. At this point in our President's national misadventure with our political fortunes, he's managed to saddle every man, woman and child alive today with $30,000.00 each of national debt. That means that everyone of us... even babies 1 hour old, would have to pay, RIGHT NOW, $30,000.00 to balance the budget. That's unforgivable. If you hadn't thought of it yet, let me tell you. Our children, grand-children and great grand-children and all of theirs are going to be paying 80% income taxes for the next hundred years to pay for what this guy screwed up... just like his oil companies that he drove into the ground. Just like the baseball team that he bankrupted... did anyone think this wouldn't happen?

Remember. Just 10 years ago, when a democrat was in the Shite House... White House, they had a BALANCED budget. Hell, we had a national surplus! A SURPLUS! That meant the next guy would have an EASY job managing the economy. But alas, the difference between the last member of the oval office and the current one is a matter of simple ideology. As they themselves have even put it and can be summed up in the following statement:

Is it not better to TAX and spend, than to simply spend?

Mr. Bush, listen to your critics. They're not all a**holes. Because the thing that makes this country strong is our economy. Not our army. It's our money. And economic armageddon is right around the corner.

Especially is you read this:

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The War on Choice.

Let it be known. The Republicans are losing big time. Sorry guys. As much as I like some of you, I have a bunch of conservative friends and family... but your time with the throne and scepter is juuuust about over. "BUT WHY?!" you plead teary -eyed?

Well, you've lost. You've lost the War on Drugs that you started in the 80's. You've lost Clinton's War on Poverty. You've DEFINITELY lost the so-called "War on Terror" and not too mention, you've lost the only ACTUAL war we're in... you know, the one you started... the War on Iraq.

So frankly, you've lost us.

But what's this? This last ditch effort to stand for something besides corruption, cronyism, ineptitude and backward-focused ideological hocus-pocus...? The latest "war."

The War on Choice.

Please good readers, do not for one second believe that a 65 year old, white male governor or all male state legislature of a state with only ONE family planning clinic really spends a lot of time thinking about a woman's respectful right to do whatever she damn well pleases with her own body. Not for one second do they think about that. If they did, they'd more likely to ban things like sub-dermal nipple piercing, low-riding and other meaningless things that don't affect them in one way or another...

No. Their thoughts dwell primarily on, yes, you guessed, STAYING in power. How do they do that? Well, you can't be elected on nothing. And people don't elect losers. They elect champions. People who WIN. So what better war to win than a war that your opponent can't fight.

Why does the right to make a choice enrage them so? The truth is, it really doesn't bother them at all. Losing bothers them. Losing power scares them. This is just an easy way for them to look like they are doing something productive.
But will this back-fire like the rest of the circus? We'll see...